5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail: How to Avoid Common Weight Control Mistakes


An estimated 75 million Americans are actively trying to lose weight. Sadly, most diets are doomed to fail. Up to 95% of dieters quit their diets within 4 months.


They’re making common mistakes that keep them from achieving lasting weight control. So, they’re setting themselves up for failure… BEFORE they’ve even begun.

Are you making the same weight loss mistakes, too?

Read on to learn 5 reasons why diets fail… and how you can avoid making mistakes. So, you can achieve weight control permanently…

5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail: How to Avoid Common Weight Control Mistakes

Did you know? Most diets are doomed to fail. Up to 95% of dieters quit their diets within 4 months. Why? They’re making common weight loss mistakes. So, they’re setting themselves up for failure… BEFORE they’ve even begun. Learn 5 reasons why most diets fail and how you can avoid making mistakes to achieve weight control permanently…

Being overweight or obese is the new normal in America.

In the United States, adult obesity rate is 42.4% — this is the highest ever recorded, according to the 2019 data for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight in 2016; these include 650 million adults who were obese.

The obesity epidemic is one of the most important health crises facing the world today…

Successful weight control can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, some cancers and other diseases that can lead to premature death.

Most people are aware of the health benefits of losing weight and want to control their weight permanently, but most end up failing their diets…

Why is it so hard to lose weight… and keep it off?

The Food, Beverage and Diet Industries Are Powerful Enemies of Defenseless Dieters

The food, beverage and diet industries are big barriers to weight loss success…

They contribute significantly to an obesogenic environment… which promotes weight gain and blocks weight loss.

With people in the United States and around the world spending more time being sedentary or inactive, our culture makes it easy to become overweight or obese. Furthermore, it makes it very hard to lose weight and stay healthy.

Hyper-palatable foods and sugary drinks are available everywhere. They’re low in nutrients and high in calories. They’re manufactured to be incredibly pleasing to eat or drink. They’re usually available in huge portion sizes; so, they encourage over-eating and over-indulgence.

Coupled with unavoidable food and beverage advertising providing constant triggers for consumption as well as fast food joints open 24/7 and easy meal delivery, our environment is a powerful roadblock to long-term weight control.

What’s even worse?

The diet industry is designed to set up dieters for failure…

Most diet foods, meal plans, supplements, fake healthy foods, juice cleanses, detox drinks and other weight loss products fail dieters. They provide short-term quick fixes instead of long-term weight control.

The U.S. weight loss and diet control market is now worth a staggering $72 billion…

The diet industry keeps most dieters fatter; so, they can keep coming back desperate for more weight loss programs and products… every time they fail.

By failing most dieters and keeping them fatter, diet companies prosper… and their corporate profit margins get even fatter year after year.

If you don’t educate yourself to be a smarter dieter, you’ll end up making mistakes and your weight loss efforts will be doomed to failure…

Most diets are doomed to fail because they’re unrealistic and not sustainable…

They don’t work in the real world. They don’t work for people with busy lives. They don’t work for people who love food and want to be able to enjoy their favorite foods with their family and friends.

If you choose the wrong diet for your lifestyle, food preferences and eating habits, you will sabotage your weight loss efforts.

You need to focus on easy-to-follow diets that apply science-based weight loss strategies. So, you can achieve lasting weight control as well as avoid obesity-related diseases and premature death…

By staying healthy, you can give yourself a chance to live longer… a chance to have more time with loved ones.

Here Are 5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail: Learn How to Avoid Making Common Mistakes and Achieve Weight Control Permanently

#1. Most diets fail because they involve intense 24/7 hunger and starvation.

They rely on your willpower to ignore hunger as well as the headaches, irritability, mood swings, brain fog and other symptoms of drastic calorie reduction and food withdrawal.

Ultimately, your willpower will fail because you’re fighting against your own body and biological needs.

The human body had millions of years to develop mechanisms to resist starvation. You can’t bypass your biological needs simply by using willpower to stick to a diet that keeps you miserable.

You can only starve yourself for so long…

Diets that involve ongoing suffering and misery are doomed to fail. They’re just too hard for average dieters to follow long-term.

Lasting weight control is not about suffering and being miserable.

Instead of relying on willpower to ignore hunger… diets that work are based on science.

They’re designed to help dieters control their hunger hormones and reduce their hunger. Since they don’t involve suffering, they’re easy to follow long term for weight loss that lasts.

#2. Most diets fail because they’re too restrictive. They’re not realistic and not sustainable.

They exclude foods and food groups that are important for overall health. They require you to give up your favorite foods and other enjoyable foods.

If you cut out your favorite foods and deprive yourself of foods you love, you’re going to be miserable. Instead of having a healthy lifestyle, it can feel like having a life sentence.

Diets that take enjoyment out of life and food are doomed to fail…

Diets that work are flexible. They’re easy to follow long-term because they allow you to enjoy your favorite foods while helping you lose weight… for good.

#3. Most diets fail because they’re too complicated. So, they’re set up to fail from the very start.

They require strict calorie-counting and calorie reduction as well as portion control and limited food choices based on strict diet rules.

Diets that rely on temporary limitations on certain foods, portion sizes and calories are doomed to fail.

Diets that work are simple and easy to follow. They consider the twists and turns of life, such as, busy schedules, stressful work, family responsibilities, vacations, holidays, celebrations and get-togethers with family and friends.

#4. Most diets fail because they’re socially isolating. They keep you from enjoying food with your family and friends.

Enjoyment of food is an important part of people’s life and relationships.

Most people bond and celebrate over meals. We cook and share food to show our affection for family and friends. We bring food to others in times of crisis.

We enjoy sharing food we love with people we love during celebrations and holidays.

Most diets cause a lot of frustration for people who like to socialize…

Dieters usually try to avoid parties, celebrations and get-togethers with family and friends to avoid blowing their diets.

Eventually, it just gets too hard to keep missing out on life. So, they end up giving up and ditching their diets.

Strict diets that lead to social isolation and make it hard to enjoy meals with loved ones are doomed to fail.

Diets that work are flexible. They allow dieters to enjoy their favorite foods with their favorite people.

#5. Most diets fail because they’re viewed as a temporary short-term fix… but, they’re expected to deliver long-term weight loss results.

Most dieters start weight loss diets with a short-term mindset. These diets are temporary and they have an endpoint. So, they’re doomed to fail from the start.

Most dieters are willing to completely overhaul their current way of eating temporarily… until they achieve the short-term goal of desired weight loss.

When their willpower eventually fails, they ditch their diets and go back to their previous way of unhealthy eating. Usually, they quickly regain the weight they lost… and possibly gain even more.

Temporary quick-fixes lead to temporary weight loss results…

Diets that work are doable, sustainable and realistic.

They’re easy to follow long-term. So, dieters can commit to healthy eating which can lead to permanent weight control,

Your Diet Failure Is Not Your Fault Because Most Diets Are Doomed to Fail

Most dieters blame themselves when their diets fail… but, it’s likely not their fault.

In reality, they didn’t fail their diets. Instead, their diets failed them.

By educating yourself to be a smarter dieter, you can avoid these weight loss mistakes. So, you can avoid diets that are doomed to fail from the very beginning.

If you choose the wrong diet for your lifestyle, food preferences and eating habits, you will sabotage your weight loss efforts.

You need a game plan to achieve healthy weight loss that lasts… and health transformation that can last a lifetime.

Keep it super-simple…

You need to focus on easy-to-follow diets that apply science-based weight loss strategies. So, you can achieve lasting weight control as well as avoid serious health risks and premature death.

By staying healthy, you can give yourself a chance to live longer… a chance to have more time with loved ones.



Scientific References

Obesity and Overweight: Key Facts. World Health Organization. WHO.int. April 1, 2020.

Loyola University Health System. “Top four reasons why diets fail.” ScienceDaily, 3 January 2013.

Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2017–2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC.gov. February 2020.

The U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market. ResearchandMarkets.com. February 2019 Report.

The Endocrine Society. “Most people cycle and regain weight, and those who lose most are most likely to keep it off.” ScienceDaily, 2 April 2016.

Baylor University. “Your diet plan isn’t working? New research explains why: Study shows health-plan successes determined by ‘approach’ or ‘avoidance’ strategies.” ScienceDaily, 12 July 2016.